In the vast reaching up or spinning within ourselves even the winged ones must rest their wings...
The War, the Gospel, and Electrification L. Edgar Otto Aug. 8, 2010
Our bonds are not broken without consequences
For like the sparks and dust between us is more than attraction
Rather that we know and share comfort of that knowing
Love can only be contained by Evil's magic behind the scene
The answer to the last great empire is not an empire lost, reborn
For as we organic things overkill our wound to inflammation
Such vaporous realms become autoimmune, consume themselves
In stealth, love and war replicate in peace or self-destruct
The cells join our first forgotten friends redeemed by dark immortality
Who chain us here that to blaspheme their sacrifice is for us to bleed
The relentless tides do not forgive those deaf to ignorance
Of final war the war on war alone is justified its violence
Love itself becomes unjust if its passion will not struggle, blindly
Misjudging strangers, for Love cannot breathe alone
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